An attempt by someone to take advantage of Florida’s Workers’ compensation system was recently thwarted with the help of videotape surveillance. This evidence proved that the accidental injury had in fact been faked! Although the below referenced case is clearly false, even workers’ compensation claims that are legitimate are often challenged and or denied by insurance companies. This is why that injured workers often need the assistance of a Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation attorney.
The fraudulent case involved an employee of a brokerage firm. The injury description simply detailed a freak accident. A piece of a ceiling sprinkler fell on to the workers’ desk but without it touching actually her. After pondering the situation and looking around the room, the woman actually picked up the ring-shaped metal section and slammed it repeatedly against her forehead!
The employer and pursuant to the workers’ compensation act, filled the appropriate claim with its insurance company. Medical treatment was then offered. Subsequently however the employer became suspicious of the alleged injury and sought assistance from state investigators. Surveillance footage was later used to show that the “hurt” employee staged the injuries. She was later charged and convicted of insurance fraud.
Despite this example of one “bad apple”, the Florida workers’ compensation system is vital to protected the state‘s work force. Work-related injuries come in many forms, ranging from neck and back strains, fractures and or burns. Some actually stem from repetitive actions related to certain types of work. Occupational diseases may also be covered under workers’ compensation if they result from the long-term exposure to chemicals or other hazardous materials while on the job.
Lost wages and medical care therefore may be needed to help the injured worker recovery and later return to the employer. This is all done at no cost to the injured worker. A Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation lawyer, like Evan M. Ostfeld can help those in need deal with the complexities of the law, serving as both an adviser and an advocate throughout the entire legal process.
If you, a family member and or friend have experienced a job-related injury or illness, a Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation attorney can provide vital information and the assistance necessary to guide the injured individual through the process. Feel free to contact The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld at (954) 227-7529, (866) I SUE YOU, (866) 478-3968 or for a no obligation case evaluation.