(844) 411-KING (411-5464)
(954) 227-7529
(954) 998-0075 Text

Car / Truck / Motor Cycle Accidents

Motor Vehicle Accidents

A traffic accident, also called a motor vehicle collision among other terms, occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree, pole or building. They often result in injury, death and or property damage. Although car, truck and motor cycle accidents comprise a significant portion of our practice, they are not always simple to resolve. We understand not just the “rules of the road” and the special duties imposed on commercial and public carriers, but also the complex scientific and engineering principles often necessary to unravel just how an accident occurred. Evan and his legal team handles accident cases involving: rear-end collisions, intersection accidents, alcohol related crashes, hit and run claims, driver, passenger, bicyclist and pedestrian injuries.

Although the causes of some of these types of accidents appear clear, here is a list of the most common. Distracted Driving which may include the use of a cell phone, whether it be talking, emailing or texting, playing with ones’s radio, dealing with misbehaving children, eating, drinking, putting on makeup, shaving or trying to reach for something in the vehicle.

Speeding which includes driving too fast for the applicable road conditions due to weather, traffic flow and lighting conditions.

Impaired Driving, whether the driver is impaired by alcohol, illegal drugs, prescribed medications and or drowsiness. Any of these can affect your ability to concentrate on the road while hindering one’s judgment. Poor decisions lead to accidents.

Reckless Driving, may involve speeding but is more encompassing like unsafe lane changes, tailgating, aggressive driving practices and at the extreme level “road rage”. As such, these actions may even be criminal in nature.

Weather. We all know the United States Post Office’s motto, “neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds”. That may be true but rain, sleet, snow, ice, wind, sun and or fog can severely impact a person’s ability to drive safely. As such, we all need to take the appropriate precautions when Mother Nature speaks!

Running Red Lights, Stop Signs or Inoperable Traffic Lights. These are not meant to be optional. Everyone must come to a complete stop and use caution before proceeding thru an intersection. Many serious accidents and injuries occur when drivers fail to adhere to this simple concept.

Whatever the practical or legal issues that arise out of a motor vehicle accident, our law firm is prepared to address them in order to meet and exceed client objectives and goals. Remember, Evan works for you! Whether you simply suffer from whiplash or a serious injury, our legal team can analyze your case, direct you toward medical care and deal with the other various legal issues stemming from such an accident. Since we entertain these cases on a contingency basis, there are no attorney’s fees and or costs due unless there is a recovery or court award! Call us today for a no obligation case review, toll free (866) I SUE YOU (478-3968), (844) 411 KING (411-5464), (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 text or evan@attorney4life.com.

Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A.
The Coral Springs Professional Campus
5421 N. University Dr, #102
Coral Springs, FL 33067-4638

600 West 6th St, #400
Ft. Worth, TX 76102 5401

550 Westcott St, #570
Houston, TX 77007-5042

5401 McPherson Rd, #6
Laredo, TX 78041

409 7th St NW
Washington, DC 20004

11811 Shaker Blvd, Ste, #204
Cleveland, OH 44120-1927

1440 W. Taylor St
Chicago, IL 60607-4623

(844) 411-KING     (411-5464)
(954) 227-7529
(954) 998-0075 Text

Contact Us

Satellite Offices Located In DC, FL, IN and TX

Boca Raton
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Fort Worth, TX
Fort Myers
Fort Pierce
Houston, TX
Laredo, TX
North Miami
Port Saint Lucie
Vero Beach
Washington, DC
West Palm Beach

*If you are located in an area not listed, we’ll gladly arrange another place for us to meet including your home or hospital.
