In attempting to repair an underground gas line with two co-workers, an employee suffered injuries when the gas line ruptured. He sustained injuries to one leg and one arm, and was taken to the trauma center of a local hospital for treatment.
Although this man may be eligible for workers compensation to pay his medical bills and lost wages, the process is complicated. Each state requires employers meeting certain criteria to have workers compensation for employees.
To determine whether they qualify for workers compensation and to give themselves the best chances of filing a successful claim, injured employees should consult a Boca Raton Workers Compensation Lawyer.
A Boca Raton Personal Injury Lawyer handles a client’s claim beginning with getting the details of the incident. All the circumstances concerning the injury come into play. Was the employee on the clock, at the work location or traveling to or from work?
Then the lawyer secures doctors after any emergency treatment is over, choosing a doctor or doctors other than ones secured by the employer. A Boca Raton Workers Compensation Lawyer will also determine what benefits an injured worker should seek: lost wages, medical treatment and/or a lump-sum payment that is tax free.
Among common job-related injuries are those to the back, shoulder, knee, neck and head; heart attacks and strokes; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, loss of a limb, disfigurement, injuries to the eye, hearing loss and asthma.
If job-related injuries prevent a worker from returning to the old job, then a Workers Comp Lawyer will investigate what no-cost job training is available for a new job. The workers compensation process has many steps. Sometimes the claimant has to go to trial.
The only sensible way for individuals injured on the job to learn if they have a valid claim is to seek the services of Boca Raton Workers Compensation Lawyer Evan Ostfeld. Osfeld has experience in workers compensation cases and is focused on winning cases for injured employees. Hiring him gives claimants peace of mind by leaving the heavy lifting to him. Injured employees will then have more time to concentrate on getting better.