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Workers’ Compensation Reimbursement Approved By Florida Panel

A three-member state panel in Florida recently green-lighted revised rates for medical providers, including hospitals and ambulatory care centers. The panel, which is responsible for overseeing reimbursements under the workers’ compensation system, unanimously approved the measure. The state legislature must however approve them before they can go into effect. Lawmakers last took action on the panel’s recommendations in 2014.

According to the proposed guidelines, maximum workers’ comp costs should reflect prevailing trends in medical expenses. The state legislature must approve any increases amounting to more than $1 million. Under the panel’s measure, doctors and those providing outpatient services would receive an increase amounting to 0.1 percent which could add up to $4 million

Ambulatory care centers would see their compensation increase by 1.5 percent, or $66 million statewide. Hospitals treating inpatients would receive a 1.6 percent increase, which amounts to $70 million statewide. Unfortunately, the proposal however includes no mechanism to dispute unreasonable charges and the fee schedule has grown from 23 usable procedures to more than

80 in just a few years. The rates are in tandem with procedure codes established by the American Medical Association

Workers’ compensation is a system that benefits nearly all employees in Florida. In fact, all U.S. employees may be entitled to medical care and or lost wages as a result of an industrial accident.

Such injuries may include head, neck, back and shoulder injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, eye injuries, amputations, and even heart attacks and strokes. Coral Springs Workers Compensation Lawyer Evan M. Ostfield, Esq. and his tri-lingual team are committed to helping the injured navigate this complicated legal field by ensuring one’s rights are protected at evert step of the way!

If you, are someone that you know is in a similar situation, do not hesitate to contact Coral Springs Workers Compensation Lawyer Even M. Ostfield’s firm at (954) 227-7529, (866) I SUE YOU (478-3968) or evan@attorney4life.com for a no obligation case evaluation.

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