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Unfair Debt Collection Practices And Inaccurate Credit Reports

Are bill collectors calling you, your friends and or family members?
Is there incorrect information on your various credit reports?

Know Your Rights!

There are legal remedies available under the Fair Debt Collection Practices and Fair Credit Reporting Acts to protect consumers from unscrupulous debt collection companies and the Big Three credit reporting bureaus. Should an agency use any of the referenced illegal tactics or place an erroneous items on one’s reports, damages can be awarded and or corrections made which may improve your scores. The best part is that money can still be given even if you actually owe the debt!

Collection agents cannot leave voice mail messages if they do not identify themselves as debt collectors. Calls before the hours of 8:oo A.M. and after 9:oo P.M. are not permitted. Using abusive, harassing, obscene and or profane language in order to collect a debt is against the law!

It is wrong for these companies to try and collect on a debt that you do not owe and or call you, your employer friends or family members more than once after you have told them to stop. They are not allowed to disclose the existence of the debt to anyone. The only permissible use is to find your contact information. Companies claiming to be associated with law enforcement, implying that they are connected in any way with the federal, state, city or county government and or threatening with possible imprisonment for non-payment of a debt is illegal!

What to Do?

If any of the above circumstances have occurred to you, kindly save the representatives’ answering machine messages, voice mails, texts, agency letters, the actual envelopes in which the debt letters arrived, along with any other vital documents. After that, contact Evan immediately at
(954) 227-7529, (866) I SUE YOU (478-3968), evan@attorney4life.com.

Any Attorney’s Fees and Costs are paid by the Debt Collection company!
Furthermore, there are no fees or costs due for this representation if no recovery is made.

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