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(954) 998-0075 Text

The Ostfeld Team Wins Big For Permanently Injured Family Man

North Lauderdale Workers' Compensation lawyer

Under Florida’s Workers’ Compensation law, most companies are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect their staff when they are injured. Although employees routinely file claims to receive their applicable medical and lost wage benefits, unfortunately, the workers’ compensation insurance carriers often engage in dirty tactics to deny, delay and minimize how much they might have to pay out for claims. The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld represents injured workers and their families who have sustained injuries at their place of employment to make sure that they obtain all of the benefits that they deserve.

Litigation Leads to Successful Outcome

Recently, a North Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation lawyer fought for the rights of a 38 year old dump truck driver when the workers’ compensation insurance carrier claimed that he was not permanently disabled. The client suffered catastrophic injuries while attempting to drive a front-end loader backwards and unsupervised on to a tractor trailer. Regretfully, the loader tipped over, throwing the worker from his seat and on to the ground. This piece of heavy machinery then landed on his leg crushing and nearly amputating it. He was then airlifted to a trauma hospital and has undergone seven surgeries so far.

The victim immediately filed for workers’ compensation benefits, and the insurance company to date has paid more than $1 million in benefits for his medical treatment and lost wages. Despite the fact that the employee’s various doctors deemed him permanently disabled, the insurance adjuster decided to fight and refused to pay. Attorney Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq. and his legal team waged a “war” on the client’s behalf. We are happy to report that the injured employee is now receiving his workers’ compensation benefits and probably for life. This outcome has given him, his wife and four young kids, peace of mind about their finances and future.

How Workers’ Compensation Operates

An employee who is injured on the job must file a Florida Workers’ Compensation claim as soon as possible after the incident. Florida Workers’ Compensation benefits include coverage for all medically necessary expenses, prescriptions, rehabilitation costs, job retraining, lost wages and impairment benefits. Disability benefits can be either partial (T.P.D.) or total (T.T.D.) for a certain period of time. In severe cases, a worker may be deemed Permanently and Totally Disabled (P.T.D.) That means they shall get paid up until age 75; lifetime medical care is always included if a Florida Workers’ Compensation case remains open. Finally, if a worker does not recover sufficiently from their injuries, they may also receive an impairment rating from their doctor(s). These Impairment Benefits or (I.B.,s), entitles the injured to some periodic payments. In any situation however, the injured worker can seek a tax-free lump sum settlement. If after negotiation there is an agreed upon amount, the case is closed and the person is therefore responsible for all future medical care. 

Talk to a North Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today

If injured on the job, you are likely entitled to receive Florida Workers’ Compensation benefits. Contact attorney Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq. and his office right away. The sooner that you act, the better that they can help. They’ll provide information and or assist you during the entire process. Evan has almost 30 years of experience fighting for the rights of injured workers and negligence victims. He knows the “ins and outs” of the system and the “tricks of the trade” that employers and their insurance companies to use to diminish the value of one’s claim. As a courtesy to the public, a no-cost confidential consultation is provided. There are no attorney’s fees and or costs unless there is a settlement or court award.  Reach out to The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, to schedule a free consultation at (866) I SUE YOU, (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 text or evan@attorney4life.com. We are here to help!

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