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Many COVID-19 Workers Comp Claims Remain Open

COVID-19 Workers Comp Claims

Understanding COVID-19 Workers Comp Claims

In Florida, the Workers Compensation system is available to people who are injured or sickened while working at their jobs. Available benefits may include:

  • Past, present and future medical expenses related to work injury or illness
  • Past, present and future lost wages
  • Permanent disability benefits
  • Job retraining services
  • Funeral and burial expenses if the employee dies from a work-related event
  • Survivor’s benefits for immediate family members of a deceased employee

Here is what you need to know about filing a COVID-19 Workers Compensation claim from Coral Springs Workers Compensation attorney Evan M. Ostfeld.

Backlog of COVID-19 Workers Comp Claims

At the start of the pandemic, the state initially made it easier for people to apply for workers compensation benefits after contracting COVID-19. There are almost 5,000 COVID related workers compensation claims still open from 2020. So far, nearly $59 million was paid out to employees infected at work through workers compensation claims to cover medical treatment and lost wages. That being said, unfortunately winning a COVID claim now is virtually impossible. One must prove that they were exposed and got sick from the disease
while working or benefits won’t be paid!

Understanding Workers Compensation Law In Florida

Workers Compensation is a type of insurance coverage that companies must carry to protect their employees if they are injured or sickened on the job. Since workers compensation benefits are available, employees generally can’t sue their jobs for negligence. Instead, they can file claims for workers compensation benefits typically for lost wages and medical benefits.

While workers compensation benefits are available at no cost to employees, their jobs’ insurance carriers nevertheless try to delay, deny and diminish valid claims. Employers might do this to prevent their workers’ compensation premiums from going up, while insurance companies like to avoid paying benefits to maximize of profits. Although an employee can appeal a denial or delay for benefits, one should obtain legal representation right away. Since the process is quite complicated, it is best to hire an experienced workers compensation attorney like Evan M Ostfeld who has been involved in this field of law for almost 30 years.

Get Help From a Coral Springs Workers Compensation Attorney

If you need help with a Workers Compensation claim, even if it occurred outside of the Sunshine State, contact The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. We handle workers compensation cases throughout Florida, but if necessary can refer you to other workers’ compensation attorneys in different states.

The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. has helped thousands of employees over the years to recover the workers compensation benefits that they deserve. We provide a no-obligation case evaluation. That means there are no attorney’s fees and/or costs due unless there is a recovery or court award. Contact us for a free consultation by calling (866) I SUE YOU, (866) 478-3968, (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 text or evan@attorney4life.com, today. We are here to help!

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