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Legal Assistance For Those Seeking Florida Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Coconut Creek Workers' Comp

Help from a Coconut Creek Workers’ Comp Lawyer

A construction worker was seriously injured in a freak accident. That is a good reason for the need for Florida Workers’ Compensation coverage. It is always best to contact a lawyer to protect yourself as soon as you can after an on the job injury. Injured employees should therefore consider seeking the services of a Coconut Creek Worker’s Compensation Attorney immediately!

The recent mishap occurred when a large truck that was dumping its contents made contact with a live power line. It thereafter snapped which then struck the employee. The severely burned worker was airlifted to Northwest Medical Center where he was reported to be in guarded condition with 3rd degree burn injuries to his neck, back and head.

The Florida Workers’ Compensation system is intended to help people who suffer from injuries or ailments that are directly related to their employment. The physical and or psychiatric

injuries that they experience may include those to the neck and back, vision/hearing problems and depression. Asthma, mold and asbestosis could also be related to exposure at the work place and or from defective products, while others may stem from repetitive type job activities. Under certain scenarios, even heart attacks and strokes may be covered.

The Workers’ Compensation program extends to almost all employees in Florida, whether they are full-time, part-time or are seasonal workers. The benefits it provides are used to cover medical expenses and some lost earnings. Unfortunately, the law is quite complex and difficult to navigate without the help of a Coconut Creek Workers’ Compensation lawyer like Evan M. Ostfeld, Esquire.

Regrettably, some employers and their workers’ compensation insurance companies may nevertheless refuse to provide benefits based on legal technicalities. The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. however will provide aggressive legal workers’ compensation representation needed to fight them to help their clients receive the benefits that they deserve.

Do note that Evan and his tri-lingual legal team has more than 25 years of experience in dealing Florida Workers’ Compensation matters. Moreover, a no-obligation case evaluation is provided as a courtesy to the public. Additionally, Evan’s clients will not be charged attorney’s fees or any costs without either a settlement or court award. Don’t just take our word for it. Check out the many positive Google and AVVO reviews for Evan at The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A.

Hiring a Coconut Creek Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Those seeking help with a Florida Workers’ Compensation case should contact a Coconut Creek Workers’ Comp attorney Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq. right away. The quicker you do, the better off that you’ll be. Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq. and his legal team can be reached at (866) I-SUE-YOU (866-478-3968), (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 text and  evan@attorney4life.com.

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