Firefighters, correction and police officers must deal with stressful situations as a regular part of their jobs. As time passes, many of these public servants develop occupational diseases in the course and scope of their duties, Proving that their work conditions were related has always been extremely difficult. Fortunately, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law new rules that will make it easier for them to receive Florida Workers Compensation Benefits. This article from Coral Springs Workers Compensation attorney Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq. outlines same.
Records Retention Law
The bill was unanimously passed and shall be effective on July 1, 2022. This Florida Workers Compensation law requires that public employers retain copies of the medical records of firefighters, correction and police officers after they leave their job for five years. Failure to do so will automatically enable these injured employees to receive Florida Workers Compensation benefits based on high blood pressure, heart disease and or tuberculosis.
What This Law Means
Having access to the workers’ past medical records can be an important factor in determining their eligibility for Florida Workers Compensation Benefits when they are disabled due to these chronic conditions. If such an employee can present pre-employment physical exam records that demonstrate they did not have the referenced preexisting conditions, they will be entitled to recover Florida Workers Compensation Benefits.
Get Help From a Coral Springs Workers Compensation Attorney
Regardless of your occupation, if you have suffered an injury in the place of your employment, contact a Coral Springs Workers Compensation Attorney right away to learn about your rights! Retaining an experienced Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyer will help streamline the process. The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. has more than 28 years of experience in this complicated area of the law. Evan also provides a no-obligation case evaluation. That means, there no upfront attorney’s fees and costs unless there is a court award or settlement. Contact us today for a free case evaluation at (866) I SUE YOU, (478-3968), (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 text or We are here to help!