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Forklift Mishap Can Lead To South Florida Workers’ Compensation Case

The dangers of operating a forklift became evident on the morning of April 8 when a man working at the Sun Terminals in Fort Lauderdale suffered a partially severed leg as a result of an accident. Sun Terminals is part of the busy Port Everglades, which ranks among the busiest ports in the world and is the central location for the receipt of gas, jet fuel and other petroleum-based products.

The hectic pace that entails can lead to potential dangers. In this particular situation, the man, reported to be in his 40’s, was inside the terminal in the midst of off-loading a conveyor belt. According to Mike Jachles of the Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue, a metal piece of the forklift appeared to break off and land on his leg. The end result was that the leg was crushed and partially severed.

The severity of the man’s accident resulted in his being quickly transported to Broward Health Medical Center with what were described as critical injuries. County Fire Rescue squads remained on the scene with an expected investigation by the federal branch of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was expected to commence soon.

On-the-job accidents such as this occur far too often, with workers sometimes having to fight for proper workers compensation. In those types of cases, the need for a Fort Lauderdale Workers Comp lawyer like Evan Ostfeld becomes clearly evident.

Severe injuries related to workplace equipment are not the only reasons that someone may be entitled to workers compensation. Other considerations might relate to areas of the body (such as neck, back or knee) that have developed because of the work in question.

In addition, repetitive trauma-like injuries, permanent disabilities, diseases that develop due to exposure to company products or damage to a person’s senses are valid reasons for obtaining workers’ compensation.

South Florida Workers’ Compensation

Evan Ostfeld has helped clients seeking his services as a Fort Lauderdale Workers Comp lawyer for more than two decades. His combination of dedication toward those clients and his professional approach toward achieving proper justice are just two reasons why he remains in demand.

Therefore, if you or someone you know is in need of a quality Fort Lauderdale Workers Comp lawyer, contact the office of Evan Ostfeld today. He’s seen the hardships that can result from not receiving just compensation and is prepared to fight hard to help all his clients.

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