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Florida Workers’ Compensation Rates Could Drop

Florida Workers’ Compensation Rates rates may be reduced by 13.4 % starting 2019 if approved. A proposal by the N.C.C.I. (the body that helps determine workers’ compensation premiums), was made last month. The Council reported that the reason for the requested drop is because there are fewer workers’ compensation claims being filed than in previous years. The president and CEO of an information clearinghouse called WorkersCompensation.com stated that there are fewer new injured employees which in turn leads to lower medical benefits and lost wages that employers and their insurance companies have to pay.

In 2016, there were two Supreme Court decisions that involved workers’ compensation matters.

Fortunately they both help injured workers and their attorneys collect additional benefits and or attorney’s fees. The Court ruled that it would help even the playing field against the big bad insurance companies who try to delay and deny an injured worker’s benefits.

If you’ve been injured on the job, the accident should immediately be reported to your employer and their insurance carrier. If they attempt to deny or delay your claim however, it is always wise to speak with a Coral Springs Workers’ Compensation lawyer immediately! The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. can help. To discuss your case, Evan and his team can be reached at (866) I SUE YOU, (866) 478-3968, (954) 227-7529 or evan@attorney4life.com. Learn about your rights as the consultation is at no charge.

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