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Florida Taxpayers Bilked By Insurance Fraud Scam

The problem of individuals abusing Florida’s current workers compensation laws came into focus on August 31. That’s when a 57-year-old Coral Springs man was arrested after immediately opening his front door and was charged with four counts of fraud and grand theft. He was then booked at Broward County Jail.

The arrest was conducted by both Coral Springs police and investigators from the Department of Financial Services Division of Florida. Those charges claim that the man allegedly set up fraudulent corporations and worked in conjunction with subcontractors who were both uninsured and unlicensed.

The basis for the alleged scheme, according to those investigators, was to employ illegal immigrants on construction sites in the counties of St. Lucie, Broward and Palm Beach. That would reduce costs for the subcontractors because of the law stating that an insurance certificate or card was required to employ immigrants for such work.

The alleged result of the plan was that other construction firms being forced to pay higher insurance rates and one insurance company paying out nearly $1 million in fraudulent claims.

The investigators charged that the payroll of the man’s shell corporation jumped in the past two years from approximately $20,000 to millions of dollars.

The man charged is in immediate need of an experienced Coral Springs Workers Comp attorney. That designation is something that matches the qualifications of Evan Ostfeld. His law firm has an extensive background in defending those who have been injured on the job and those accused of defrauding the government.

Since first opening his practice in 2001, Evan Ostfeld has been committed to making sure that as a Coral Springs Workers Comp attorney, clients are properly represented in the courtroom. In the area of workers compensation, defense against charges like fraud requires a clear and careful understanding of Florida law.

The many nuances involved in such cases demands someone who can properly investigate the charges filed against the accused. Once that’s completed, a proper defense can be put together and offer the best opportunity for acquittal. Without such skills, the possibility of years in jail and steep fines is a distinct possibility.

So if you or someone you know requires the services of a skilled Coral Springs Workers Comp Attorney, make sure to contact the law offices of Evan Ostfeld. Setting up a free consultation will allow you to explain the background of your case.

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