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New Florida Law Helps Firefighters Stricken With Cancer

Florida Workers' Compensation Lawyer

Help from a Qualified Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Whenever you see a firefighter, they are usually running right towards what everyone else is running away from. As we all know, the world can be a dangerous place. Whether you are driving in your car or just attending a baseball game, an injury can happen in an instant. People do their best to avoid danger. Of course, some are more careful than others. Many times, no matter how prepared and cautious, someone gets hurt. Going to work can even be dangerous, especially depending on one’s career. That is where the Florida Workers’ Compensation Law comes in to play. With that in mind, The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. has over (25)  twenty-five years of experience in this complicated area. In fact, his legal team provides a no-obligation case evaluation. Moreover, there are no attorney’s fees and or costs due unless there is a recovery or court award. If you or someone you know have been in a similar legal situation contact our firm at (866) I SUE YOU, (866) 478-3968, (844) 411-KING, (844) 411-5464, (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 text or evan@attorney4life.com.

Governor DeSantis helped firefighters in Florida with new legislation that provides assistance to them if they are diagnosed with cancer. Firefighters do some of the most dangerous work in the world. It’s not just burns and broken bones that firefighters try to avoid. When a building is on fire, everything in it can present its own unique dangers. Wood, fabrics, and paper produce fumes. There are also chemicals, plastics, and fibers that can combust. Operating in clouds of noxious vapors repeatedly is brave but far from safe. A group of researchers looked at over fifty years of data related to 3 major cities. Firefighters during this time period had a higher rate of cancer illnesses and death than the average person. The complete study can be found here.

While firefighting is scary to most people, every job has its challenges. Demanding bosses, grueling schedules and deadlines can be stressful. Some work areas are also extremely hazardous. Sharp, heavy or toxic materials must be handled with care or accidents can and will happen. A Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyer should be one of the first calls made once the victim is stabilized and the family has been notified. By contacting an expert, Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq., many choices can be made much easier for the victim and their family.

A Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyer can now help firefighters take legal action when diagnosed with cancer. However, they are absolutely not the only ones who face personal risk on the job. Accidents can literally happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Injuries that occur at the workplace can be very burdensome. The psychological trauma, the physical pain, the medical expenses and panic about what to do can be overwhelming. Depending on the extent of the injury and circumstances of the incident, a Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyer may be appropriate. It definitely wouldn’t hurt to at least get professional advice.

Hiring a Florida Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. has over twenty-five years of experience and provides a no-obligation case evaluation. Moreover, there are no attorney’s fees and or costs due unless there is a recovery or court award. If you or someone you know have been in a similar legal situation contact our firm at (866) I SUE YOU, (866) 478-3968, (844) 411-KING, (844) 411-5464, (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 text or evan@attorney4life.com.

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