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The Hernia Mesh Lawsuits Continue

hernia mesh claims

Hernia Mesh Claims Attorney Evan M. Ostfeld

Claims Against Ethicon Physiomesh (a division of Johnson & Johnson). A Massachusetts man underwent hernia repair surgery using the above referenced hernia repair mesh product. A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia. Unfortunately after the initial surgery, the hernia came back which is called a “recurrence”. This happens when several loops of the small intestine get caught in the re-opened hernia. As a result, the gentleman was forced to have a second hernia surgery.

Of course everyone knows the old adage,“third time’s the charm?” Well not in this case! Once again, several loops got snagged into the small intestine protruding through the hernia which created “dense adhesions between the loops of bowel”. After this third surgery, the patient experienced yet another recurrence. All three procedures involved  Ethicon’s Physiomesh model.

There are thousands of such cases against Ethicon’s Physiomesh products and the first one is set for trial in sometime in 2020. As a result, they sent out notices to its customers and regulators that it was pulling one version of its hernia mesh products from the market.

Do note that there are strict time deadlines for you to file a hernia mesh lawsuit. So don’t delay, act today. Call Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq. at The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld  (866) I  SUE YOU (478-3968),(866) BAD RXRX, (223-7979), (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 Text to learn about your rights.

How to preserve your possible case: always keep copies of your medical records, try to find out the manufacturer of the hernia mesh, the actual type or model used and or the lot/serial number. This information can typically be found in what’s called the “mesh sticker”. It should be referenced in the operative hospital’s/doctor’s notes. Although not absolutely necessary, try to make arrangements with your surgeon before the revision procedure for him/her to retain the defective hernia mesh for later inspection by an expert.

Hiring a Hernia Mesh Claims Attorney

The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. does not charge any attorney’s fees or costs unless there is a settlement or court award in hernia mesh claims. We proudly serve residents from all of Florida’s 67 Counties. Should your case involve the laws outside of the Sunshine State, don’t worry, be happy! Evan works with other attorneys throughout the U.S. in order to assist with the hernia mesh litigation so you will not have to secure another lawyer on your own.

If you do not know the manufacturer and or type of the hernia mesh implant that was used during your surgery, that’s quite understandable. As such, why don’t you just let Evan M. Ostfeld, Esq. who has over (27) years of experience and his legal team gather all of relevant medical records and or talk with your doctors? Our analysis will determine if there is a viable claim. We’ll even outlay all of the applicable medical records and court costs. Our clients are assured that if there is no recovery, there are no attorney’s fees or lawyer expenses due. You really have nothing to lose so contact us at (866) I SUE YOU (478-3968), (866) BAD RXRX, (223-7979), (954) 227-7529, (954) 998-0075 Text or evan@attorney4life.com.

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