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Amazon Delivery Worker Bitten by Rattlesnake

A woman delivering packages for Amazon was seriously injured when an Eastern Diamondback  rattlesnake which was coiled up near the front door, bit the employee at a residence in Palm City, Florida. The worker was attacked on the back of the leg, just above the knee. Fortunately she called 911 and dispatchers used her cellphone’s GPS coordinates to locate her. According to the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, the victim immediately became ill and was transported to the hospital where she is in very serious condition.

This scary situation is actually a workers’ compensation case. As such, an injured worker is entitled to receive authorized medical care and lost wage benefits by the employer and their workers compensation insurance company. While not a typical on the job accident, The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld has been handling workers’ compensation claims throughout the United States for nearly 30 years. Our firm knows the “ins and outs” of the system and can protect your rights against the ”tricks of the trade” that insurance carriers and employers like to use to delay, diminish, deny and defend the claim! We however provide a free consultation to educate your about your rights. That means, there are no upfront attorney’s fees or costs unless there is a settlement or court award. Contact us today at (866) I SUE YOU (478-3968), (954) 227-7529, Text (954) 998-0075 or evan@attorney4life.com. As you’ll see from our many positive reviews, we are here to help!

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