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Outside workers “left out in the cold” as the state bans further protections.

In another blow for the protection of Florida’s workers under the Florida workers’ compensation system, the Florida Senate passed a bill blocking local rules protecting Florida employees from heat. This comes after the hottest temperatures in history were recorded in 2023. They approved a bill that would ban cities and counties from adopting Florida workers compensation safety requirements for employers to provide mandatory water breaks and other protections for Florida workers against the sun, heat and humidity. In essence, there will be no requirement for a Florida company to provide its Florida workers with mandated water breaks and or the ability to seek shade when needed.

Florida Unions and labor organizations however have said Florida workplace heat standards are necessary to keep Florida employees safe, especially in the fields of construction, agriculture and other industries that require them to be outside. According to the National Weather Service, heat causes more deaths in the U.S. each year than any other weather event and outdoor workers are among those most susceptible to heat-related illness and death when temperatures spike. In turn, that leads to more Florida workers’ compensation claims.

If you’ve been injured due to a Florida heat related issue while on the job, or any other Florida work related accident or illness, let The Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. explain your options under the Florida workers compensation act. We are devoted to assisting people in the very complicated area of Florida workers’ compensation law. Our Florida workers compensation law firm shall protect your rights through all phases of the claim Florida workers compensation process, from getting you medical treatment and payment of the bills, ensuring the timely processing of the lost wages, determining the value of the claim, assessing as to whether a trial shall be necessary and or procuring a lump sum settlement if it is in your best interests. Plus, we go out of our way to make sure that you are in constant contact with us, whether it by phone, email or text. Call us today for a no obligation case evaluation about your Florida workers compensation case. There are no attorney’s fees or costs unless there is a court award or settlement for your Florida workers compensation claim. We are here to help you and your family navigate the Florida workers compensation system. Reach out at (844) 411-KING (411-5464), (954) 227-7529, Text (954) 998-0075 or evan@attorney4life.com.

We are always here to help!


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