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Change In The Workers’ Compensation Law For First Responders?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or P.T.S.D. for short, is a serious health condition for anyone. The sad truth however is that first responders are not eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits in Florida even if they are suffering from mental trauma stemming from as a result of their difficult jobs. Fortunately, there is a proposed change in the law. It acknowledges that first responders like firefighters experience extreme stress and trauma and therefore should receive workers’ compensation benefits. As per the current law, first responders are required to have suffered a physical injury before any resulting psychological treatment can be rendered. That is traditionally called “the impact rule” which requires that the emotional distress (and need for any medical treatment), must flow from the physical injuries.

Florida First Responders Workers’ Compensation

If you having trouble getting the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve, you need a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer on your side. Contact Evan’s team at the Law Offices of Evan M. Ostfeld, P.A. for a no obligation case evaluation at (866) I SUE YOU, (866) 478-3968, (954) 227-7529, [email protected], www.attorney4life.com

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